Wear Your Vote
Got a vote to support? Referendum in the offing perhaps? Show your choice with these old fashioned prim attachments and make your stance clear =^^= (none of that modern mesh stuff or sculpts so viewable in all viewers..erm well non text ones anyway)
Now increased price! More letters on the way!
Finished in heraldic Blue (not royal haha) and modifiable to your hearts content :)
Both included for the uncertain (bulk transfer quantities available at discount of course)
Absolutely no prim efficiency used - they top out at 24 and 26 rezzed on ground.
For total result remove any non system clothes etc and wear the invisi alpha from your libraray (serious note - was not sure if its ok to bundle that one so left it out)
Conversation starter. RandomX not reponsible for exactly what conversation ensues however.
If use of product leads to headaches try wearing it somewhere else. (Spine works best but hey who are we to decide)
- YES and NO
- Referendum Ready
- Modify :)
- Old Fashioned Prims
- Silly