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Wearable HUD-Controlled Periscope

Wearable HUD-Controlled Periscope

Wear Das Periskop wherever you need it. On the beach, in the swimming pool, in the bath tub.

The positions and colors of Das Periskop can be controlled by a HUD (included!). It also has 3 sound effects: an ASDIC sonar ping, a diving alert and a sinister-sounding submarine-themed soundtrack tune.

By using the HUD controls, the periscope can be moved up to 10 m away from the avatar. (This is an SL avatar attachment limitation.) Also, it's movement is restricted to appearing just above ground. If you wish to wear the periscope above your avatar, you have to adjust the position manually, in 'Edit'.

*Script is No Mod.

Das Periskop is compatible with either of the three awesome wearable inflatable pools advertised below! Check them out too!

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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just gave me a big wide smile :))
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 12, 2016 by Marti Stine

i totally like such funny gadgets and this made my day :D
and just because there can only 5 stars be given here are some more ^^
(+) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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