Weeb Goggles
A set of simple goggles, not as flimsy as glasses, but nowhere as hefty as aviator goggles...Most likely used for cosplaying...Looks cool though!
This is a veeeery simple build that I made a long while back and am only now uploading. It has wider spaced eyes for use with the M3, M3 Venus, and Kemono heads. If you find it works with other types of avis, more power to ya.
- Goggles fit for a weeb
- Notecard detailing recoloring
really great !
they're all one piece of mesh, so you can resize them on any axis. the strap is its own face so you can make it transparent if you need to. it only has blank textures, but it still looks great even with tinting. i was able to fit it to a non-standard furry head and it looks awesome !! thank you !!
L$ 50
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