Wendy's Gift Boxes
These three gift boxes are configured with three distinct "scenes" that rezz when the gift box is opened and delivering gifts. Drop your present to your loved one inside and specify who and when they can collect their gift. the gift box can be configured to allow anyone to open or just a single individual, you can set WHEN they can open it or you can can say anytime in the past so it isn't time limited.
♥♥ Script Features ♥♥
▶ Allow only a specific person to open the box
▶ Specify that the box can only be opened after the configured date.
▶ Specify a message to be sent along with the gift
▶ Choose to receive notification that the recipient has received their gift.
Detailed Instructions
This system consists of 3 objects.
◆ config.settings ~ This is the settings notecard and is required
◆ config.GiftGiver ~ This is script which is not modifiable by the end user. Its presence is required
◆ config.Gift ~ This is a special prim that is rezzed when the gift box is touched and gives a
little added decoration and plays music. it can be modified anyway you like. the
two scripts inside are responsible for killing the object when the box is closed
and to play music that is contained in the prims inventory.
❶ TO BEGIN : Open the config.settings notecard inside the gift box
❷ Set your preference in the notecard, it is heavily commented
❸ The available settings options are"
❹ AVATAR KEY ( UUID) This is the UUID and is found in the profile. If you do not have a viewer that supports this
you can use the enclosed FINDAvatar prim, simply rezz it and have them click it.
❺ DATE that the gift can be received. this date is in YYY-MM-DD format. If you want the recipient can
open the gift anytime then just set this date to a previous day.
❻ FOLDER NAME. This will be the name of the folder that will be created for the recipients gifts to be
placed in. If blank the gift box name will be used.
❼ MESSAGE This is the message that is sent to teh recipient when they receive their gift.
❽ NOTIFY When set to 1 the owner is notified when the user receives their gift, when set to 0 No
notification is given
❾ ALLOW ANYONE When set to 1 anyone who clicks the gift box will receive a gift
When set to 0 only the intended recipient will be able to receive the item.
Setup is complete, keep your gift box rezzed out under the tree or somewhere for your loved ones to "find"
The gift box is modifiable so you can change textures and reuse the gift box over and over.
See item in Second Life- Gives to ALL or only to a specified avatar
- Date lockout timer option - only allow after a specified date
- animated opening of the box lid
- Owner notification when gift is received
- animated object can play music