This is a texture only. High resolution 1024 x 1024 white ringtop wrought iron fence texture.
People Please Note ---!
The texture is as I have said it is, it is about 6 M high when placed on a 10 M prim, so, as noted in the one review, it is harder for someone to hop over it (it is a fence).
With that said, please take a look into how to use the texture tools properly. Using the texture offset functions combined with the repeats per face settings, you can set the texture to only be as high as the prim if that is your desire, no matter what size you set the fence.
- High Res 1024 x 1024
- Tileable
- Tintable
Thank you - awesome texture and works perfect.
The prior review suggests that the fence is sized to be about 6ft tall on a 10m wall prim. That may be so, but the fence comes to about waist-high on my avatar on a fence-sized wall prim. I would prefer a more useful fence height.
This texture is sized to be about 6ft tall with the prim sized at 10m... so you can 't jump over the fence :) Great job!