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White Stone Reception & Party Sky Venue

White Stone Reception & Party Sky Venue

White Stone Reception Hall Comes completely furnished with wedding reception/.party /banquet props such as tables, chairs, dancefloor, lighting, fountains- Fully Decorated (dance balls Not Included)
462 prims - Copy Modify (no mod scripts) Comes in a rez & use rez box

The perfect venue for any party!

goes PERFECTLY with our white stone wedding Chapel- in fact we include both in a money saving duel pack- see associated items!

Alternate Metaverse - Quality Virtual World Creations by Cataplexia Numbers Since 2007 for Second Life, InWorldz & Kitely Grids

Visit My SL Marketplace Stores
Cataplexia Numbers https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/60417

  • Upscale reception & party venue - furnished -Luxurious Textures,-
  • Chairsa, Tables, Fountains, lighting, Dancefloor
  • the perfect reception or banquet hall
  • Designes especially for our White stone weddiing chapel
  • Can be used for any occasion or party