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Wing Scripts &Wings, For Beginners

Wing Scripts &Wings, For Beginners
Wing Scripts &Wings, For Beginners
0 Reviews

Because all the previous 4 generations of wings were too complicated for many residents, I made a 5th generation, much more simple.

Before purchase, you can try the demo wings.

Instructions are simple: Just wear the wings and they will start working.

To change wing texture, insert the helping script you have in the pack and touch the wings. You will see a dialog menu.

They have 3 default textures. You can add as many as you want inside the wings. Use the script to change fast textures.

The pack also contains a notecard with instructions.

LICENSE CONDITIONS: You might use these wings to create whatever you want. You are not allowed to resell the wings (or part of them) the way they are, but you can resell them as component of a greater product or part of an outfit or you can modify them and sell as a much more improved device.

Wing textures have a different status. Their creators released them under the following conditions: you are allowed to resell them, but you are not allowed to give them for free.

NOTE: If you are a more experienced builder or scripter, please look to the previous generations of wings.

  • Easy to use
  • Low lag
  • Texture changing
  • Animated wings
  • For beginners

L$ 49

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Get the demo version
Sold by: Anaimfinity

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 13