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Wingsong Beach Shack Box

Wingsong Beach Shack Box
Wingsong Beach Shack Box
0 Reviews

If you take a tour around the coast lines of the grid you'll mostly see large rambling mansions. Every now and then you find a nice little unpretentious beach shack. THAT'S what we like. So THAT'S what we made!

The Wingsong Beach Shack has just about everything you could possibly want for a great little beach getaway. Designed primarily for small slithers of land (I mean, have you seen the prices of beach front property!?!), this little house is perfect for tiny parcels, though it doesn't do badly sitting on large tracts, either.

You get ALOT of stuff with this, and for simplicity sake, we're packaging the boxes of several items so you can REZ whichever of those you want out and read the info with all their features separately. Also, your Wingsong doodads won't scatter all over your inventory because every item we make begins with our Wingsong brand name for you convenience!

1 - Wingsong Beach Shack (8 prims): Roughly 5 x 7 meters foot print - COZY!

2 - Wingsong Beach Hammock Basic (4 prims): Click on for texture changer (16 preinstalled)

3- Wingsong Island with 2 Palm Trees (7 prims): Footprint of roughly 14 x 17 meters. Palm trees have the SLIGHTEST hint of flexibility, just enough to shimmer a little in the breeze. Click on island or trees to access menu with 7 preinstalled types of sand.

4 - Wingsong Island with 1 palm Tree (4 prims): Same as #4 but only has 1 tree

5 - Wingsong Beach Hammock for Palm Trees (4 prims): REZ and position between your palm trees. Click to toggle swinging action on and off; DO NOT LINK TO TREES!

6 - Wingsong Deck Chair MultiSit (3 prims): Really nice chair with 7 original Wingsong animations and an exceptional 3rd party sitting engine to provide accurate sitting for most avatars. Touch the two cushions to change the upholstery (6 textures preinstalled)

7 - Wingsong Beach Towels Box: REZ separately to open; includes 2 beach towels with multiple texture changer engines and original Wingsong animation - very nice towels!

8 - Wingsong Crate MultiSit (2 prims): Excellent sitting boxes with 16 original Wingsong animations, 11 crate textures, and an exceptional 3rd party sitting engine to provide accurate sitting for most avatars. To change or adjust your animation click on the lid of the crate. To select a different crate texture click on the main part of your crate.

9 - Wingsong Warehouse Table (2 prims): touch the surface for a multiple texture changer; 19 textures preinstalled, including distressed and nondistressed woods, desk tops, graffiti, and 2 shameless self promotion textures

10 - Wingsong Beach Shack Plank (1 prim)

12 - Wingsong Gone Fishing Sign (1 prim)


We're including one of our really fun cats stuck inside stuff - The Wingsong Cat Beach Buddy (this is a wearable but you can also REZ him out). ADD from your inventory to wear him.

Your cat's eyes wink/blink. His tail is flexied to add a little animation to the moment. Touch your cat's head to bring up a menu of 5 fun cat sound clips, including the famous cat version of "Jingle Bells" and the Meow-Meow cat food commercial. You cat also makes an intermittent/random MEOW (3 voices) every 5 to 7 minutes - you can toggle this on and off by touching your cat's collar. Touch the beach ball part of your cat to toggle a gentle surf sound loop on and off. We had to put it in there to calm the cat down after he got stuck in the ball.

Everything here except the crate and deck chair is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! I'm even throwing in a FREE Wingsong Modify Box, a simple, easy to use tutorial for folks with little experience in the EDIT tool. The crate and deck chair are COPY, so set out all you want.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

Please Note: Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support.

We make alot of beach products, multisit furniture, and cats stuck in things at the Wingsong Dojo - available at our Marketplace Store. Keywords: beach, multisit, cat.

See item in Second Life

L$ 45

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Wingsong Dojo, Kit Ciaco Proprietor
Sold by: Kit Ciaco

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 7