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Wingsong Cat Soup Box

Wingsong Cat Soup Box

Do your cats love chicken as much as mine do? Mine go STUPID over chicken, in any form.

I don't eat alot of soup but when I do eat it I'm usually eating some good old fashioned chicken noodle soup. Well, sir, a few weeks ago I was fixing me some soup. I had opened the can and bent over to get the pan out of the stove (doesn't EVERYONE store their pots and pans in the stove?).

Anyway, all of a sudden there was a great commotion. I jumped up, hit my noggin on the ceiling of the oven, and just as I swang around, there I saw it!

Yep. My cat got STUCK in a can of chicken noodle soup!

You get TWO cats stuck inside a can of soup:

1 - The BUDDY version you just ADD and he walks along with you looking adorable.

2 - The REZ version sits anywhere you REZ him. He also looks adorable.


1 - Your cats' eyes wink/blink.

2 - Your cats' tails are flexied to add a little animation to the moment.

4 - Touch your cat's head to bring up a menu of 5 fun cat sound clips, including the famous cat version of "Jingle Bells" and the MEOW-MEOW commercial.

5 - You cat also makes an intermittent/random MEOW (voices) every 5 to 7 minutes - you can toggle this on and off by touching your cat's collar.

6 - Touch the can of your cat to hear the famous MEOW-MEOW commercial. We had to put it in there to calm the cat down.

7 - We love that commercial so much we even put in in LOOP form - touch your cat's nose to toggle the loop on and off.


We're including a FREE Wingsong AO HUD - Pet Walk V2. This HUD was designed specifically to use when traveling with pets and attachment companions. You don't HAVE to wear this HUD with your buddy but you might find it helps. The AO HUD included in this package is our B version; similar to our original one except it has mostly different animations in the adjunct animation system.


1 - Disable or remove other Animation Overrides.

2 - ADD your Wingsong AO HUD - Pet Walk. It will automatically position itself near the top center of your screen. Small and nearly transparent, it is very unobtrusive and you can easily reposition and modify it.

3 - Add your companion. It also works great as a stand alone AO; this is the one I usually wear for casual use.

4 - Clicking on the Power Switch (the left button of your HUD) makes your AO active; clicking it again disables it. Very handy. The switch turns green when active and fades into near invisibility when disabled.

5 - Clicking on the Wingsong Logo (the bottom right button of your HUD) brings up a few animations I found in my closet. I thought you might enjoy animating yourself with them while playing with your pets. You must turn off your primary animations system by clicking on the power switch to use these animations; your avatar will remain in each animation you select regardless your movement until you select STOP.

This adjunct animation system expands your animation exponentially - it allows you to skate 2 ways, meditate, twirl, put your head in the ground, shuffle with a club foot, wave, and hold things while you sit, stand, and walk.

6 - Clicking on the Options Switch (the top right button of your HUD) brings up a menu of options including, among several things, this info sheet and selecting default animations for various key positions as well as a status report. The Options Switch remains green all the time symbolizing our constant ability to choose.

This AO has a total of 20 original Wingsong animations (not poses - full featured, quality animations!)

Everything here is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! I'm even throwing in a FREE Wingsong Modify Box, a simple, easy to use tutorial for folks with little experience in the EDIT tool.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

For more cats stuck in fun objects see our line of cats at our store at the Marketplace! Keyword: cats.

See item in Second Life