You probably didn't know that the Wingsong Dojo has a Department of Horticulture, did you? We make mums and palm trees and flower chairs and I think we made a flower umbrella once. To be honest, our Department of Horiculture is a little lazy. They spend most of their work days playing darts and giving each other wedgies.
Anyway, a little while back one of our Wingsong cats wandered into the Wingsong Greenhouse and was minding its own business when suddenly one of our staff members (no one is accepting responsibility) accidentally threw a dart in the cat's direction and nipped its tail. Well, sir, that cat took off in a bolt around the room, broke about a dozen flower pots, and then dived into a new Wingsong Vase. And - yep - you guessed it - he got STUCK!
As a footnote to this story - we're just glad the staff didn't try to give the cat a wedgie. We just don't know how we could market THAT!
The Wingsong Cat Vase is one of our fun line of cats who get stuck in things. This one actually smells sweet!
Seriously. Put your nose up to your computer screen and inhale deeply. Now sit back and exhale. Feel that rush?
We're giving you two versions of this little cat: REZ and BUDDY. REZ the one onto land and ADD your Buddy from your inventory.
1 - Your cat's eyes wink/blink.
2 - Your cat's tail is flexied to add a little animation to the moment.
3 - Touch your cat's head to bring up a menu of 5 fun cat sound clips, including the famous cat version of "Jingle Bells" and old Meow-Meow commercial.
4 - You cat also makes an intermittent/random MEOW (3 voices) every 5 to 7 minutes - you can toggle this on and off by touching your cat's collar.
Everything here is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! I'm even throwing in a FREE Wingsong Modify Box, a simple, easy to use tutorial for folks with little experience in the EDIT tool.
For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
For more cats stuck in fun objects see our line of cats at our store at the Marketplace! Keyword: cats.
See item in Second Life