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Wingsong Egg Shoulder Buddy Box

Wingsong Egg Shoulder Buddy Box

There are few things in life better than hanging out with a good egg. The Wingsong Egg Shoulder Buddy is one such egg - a GOOD one!

This simple little fellow is animated. His eyes blink/wink and they look around at regular intervals, giving him alot of facial expression. His feet wiggle a bit. In short - he's pretty adorable.

Your egg also has a really fun ventriloquist mode, giving him the ability to speak in local chat. Of course, you gotta help him out. Touch his main body and a text box appears allowing you to literally put words in his mouth. Click SUBMIT and his words go under his own name into the local chat box.

To rename him and have his new name come up in local chat right click on him and select EDIT. Click the GENERAL TAB and in the NAME BOX type the new name.

My personal Wingsong Egg Shoulder Buddy is named Benedict. Here's an example of a conversation he and I had recently.

[07:24] Benedict: Hey, Kit! What's for breakfast?
[07:24] Kit Ciaco: Eggs, Benedict
[07:24] Benedict: Eggs Benedict!?!
[07:25] Kit Ciaco: No. Eggs.
[07:25] Benedict: You said EGGS BENEDICT!
[07:25] Kit Ciaco: I said, "Eggs, Benedict."
[07:26] Benedict: I'm confused. You're frying my brains.
[07:27] Kit Ciaco: That's what I meant. Fried eggs.
[07:27] Benedict: I'm oughta here. I got a wall I got to go sit on.
[07:28] Kit Ciaco: OK - but be careful! I have it on good authority that walls and eggs don't mix very well.
[07:28] Benedict: Hahaha. Ha. You crack me up.

That's a cut and paste right out of my local chat.

You can easily add accessories (hats, scarves, glasses, etc). Just be sure to add the accessory FIRST so that the egg remains the prim root - otherwise his animations get, you know SCRAMBLED!!


TO USE: Just ADD him from your inventory and he takes his rightful position on your shoulder.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

See item in Second Life