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Wingsong KID Skateboard ADD V2 Box

Wingsong KID Skateboard ADD V2 Box

The Wingsong KID Skateboard ADD V2 is a wearable attachment; it goes everywhere you go and it does not support passengers. It is designed specifically for KID avatars ages 6 through 16.

You get THREE skateboards in this package of the Wingsong Kid Skateboard ADD V2:
(1) Child (6 - 9 years old; 4.5 feet tall)
(2) Tween (10 - 12 years old; 5 feet tall)
(3) Teen (13 - 16 years old; 6 feet tall)

We also make REZ-based and full sized skateboards (including this body style) available separately at our Marketplace store (keywords: bicycle ride).

Have you noticed how few items there are (except clothing!) available to the child avatars? Because we at the Wingsong Dojo love to PLAY, this disturbed us. So - we had to do something.

We do custom orders, so if you're looking for a specific item for child sized avatars, IM Kit Ciaco.

Just when you think we can't find one more FUN way to help you get around the grid - we come up with something like the Wingsong Skateboard ADD V2!


1 - Disable or remove other Animation Overrides. ADD your skateboard from your inventory. Move using normal arrow or movement keys.

2 - Click on the board's deck for a menu of 20 different textures. Of course, you can also manually change the texture with your own files as well.

3 - Your skateboard is embedded with 7 original, high quality Wingsong animations that add a heavy dose of realism.

4 - The skateboard's deck and truck are built from high end third party sculpt maps. Its wheels are original Wingsong sculpts.

5 - We've installed a fun boat engine so you can easily skate across any natural Linden water.

6 - Your skateboard is COPY/MOD so you can make all the copies you want and modify to your heart's content.

For even more fun, grab one of our Wingsong Navigation HUDs, sold separately! This HUD allows you to move with cruise control for most of your attachments and you can set your own speed from VERY slow to VERY fast and everything in between. I seldom leave home without mine!

Everything here is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! I'm even throwing in a FREE Wingsong Modify Box, a simple, easy to use tutorial for folks with little experience in the EDIT tool.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

Don't be misled by the low cost of our items - we make great products and sell for low prices to make our doodads available to people on all budgets. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items, provide excellent customer service and support, and we sell ALOT of doodads.

See our line of items for KID avatars available at our Wingsong Marketplace store; keyword: kid.

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