Winter Fence Version 1.0
Winter Fence creation for your winter time in SL
This Creation have follow scripts Installed:
- Material Control System with menu' driven with selectable access Owner-Group- Everyone and devices can only be controlled by the control house system with follow options:
Material: Choice choose from three different types of material set including Six different Type of wood!.(see photo)
Additional Info:
- The creation mod copy. Scripts are only copy.
- All are original mesh
- This set have : Two types of fences to create the combinations and lengths you need, two different types of snow. All 4 are completely independent to allow you to create different combinations.
- Remote control command can place you need.
- Menu Driven
- All pieces of this creation weigh less than 1 Prims land impact. Eg all the pieces tied together 3 LI, or fenced with snow 2LI, or other different combinations that you may find interesting.
- Can use fence without Snow for different landscape use.
Buildings are: Copy- Modify.
Scripts only copy
Land Impact (It depends on how many pieces are used and linked)
- Six Wood Different Texture
- Menu' Driven
- All original Mesh
- Low Land Impact
- High quality texture