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Winter Shipwreck III

Winter Shipwreck III

Winter Shipwreck III represents an old, heavily damaged and seaworn viking raiding longship,30 Mt long with a 15 Mt tall mast. As opposed to Shipwreck III that it matches, this is a northern winter version, featuring a wooden wolf figurehead with icicles decorating it, icicles over the main mast instead of a tattered sail,and a textured thin layer of ice and snow over the sea-rotten wooden planks and tarnished iron bands.

The whole ship is richly textured to create the impression of an old,seaworn shipwreck exposed to arctic winds and sub-polar temperatures:the wood of the masts,more exposed to the winds,is more snow-covered and frozen, than the darker ice-encased wood planks, and the iron parts, still showing green tarnishing, have a bluish caste to them, and the sheen of thin ice.

This version closely matches Trident's Viking Drakkar III. Perfect for viking or torvaldslander roleplay,this shipwreck can indeed fit any medieval or fantasy environment.

It can be greatly enhanced complementing it with Trident Snow Blizzard Set,featuring wind-blown and falling snow and arctic wind sounds emitters.

Trident has been designing and creating ancient and medieval builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture, jewelry and clothing.

Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.

Laufey Markstein
December 2010

See item in Second Life