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Wood Burning Stove Box Pyrrhos Cream

Wood Burning Stove Box Pyrrhos Cream

The Pyrrhos wood burning stove from Aso’s Solar Homes has been designed to locate into almost any single or two-floor residence. Inside the rez box you will find two versions, with 6m and 10m high chimneys. In keeping with our theme of using Second Life to explore and experience a low carbon life style. The stove features dialog controlled log fire and chimney smoke. Upon starting the stove, a display detailing energy production, burn time and carbon saving for a single charging of wood fuel 8lb (3.628kg) will appear briefly on the public chat channel. Our calculated estimates are based upon average values from data that you can view from the links embedded in the notecard for this product.

  • Wood Burning Stove
  • Wood
  • Solar