When first rezzed,the set includes two parts: a sculpted tree stump,and a cluster of logs with sawdust and an axe embedded in the top log.
The log cluster will give wearable two-handed axes when touched. The stump, when touched, will rez a tree trunk over it, thus simulating a complete tree with its top and branches already cut out, ready to be felled.
Right-clicking and animating on the tree stump will start an axe chopping animation, and in a few strikes a dent in the tree bark starts to appear.
The longer you animate chopping at the tree, the wider the dent becomes; when the tree is cut through, the top part falls to the ground.
Touching the tree stump will reset it, derezzing the fallen trunk and rezzing a new whole tree over the stump.
Since the tree is Copiable, and stopping hacking at the tree before it's felled leaves dents/holes of a different width, you can easily create a nice woodcutter's area in a larger forest (see picture -pines not included-), with some trees intact, some felled, some cut through at varying degrees.
Timber Tree 4 Prims
Log Cluster & Axe 6 Prims
This set completes and complements the Trident Woodcutter Set I & II. The whole line thus represents the entire processing of wood, from falling the tree, to hacking off branches, sawing off larger parts, planing the wood, cutting the branches in smaller branches or even sharpening axes.
A perfect complement for any agricultural or sylvan community, ancient, medieval or modern.
Trident has been designing and creating medieval and ancient builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture and jewelry.
Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.
Laufey Markstein
July 2011
- Animation can be adjusted to match AV height
- Gives Two-handed Axes
It's Wonderful!
It's just fantastic. the animation is great, the wooe being cut is realistic, it take a bit for it to cut even which is awesome, and it falls and stays there until the stump is touched. Also I accidentally bought 2 and got a refund for one right away! GREAT customer service thank you!
love love love
An amazing product. It's copy so you can rez as many as you can/want. It looks very realistic and the animation is superb. The only no mod thing is the script, but that's rather obvious (a mod script becomes a full perm script in 0 seconds lol). I'm definitely going to buy more things from this maker.
This is awesome!!
This is the best set ever, I'd chop wood all day long lol. Also the kindest customer service ever, I'd give 10 stars if possible!
Not trully mod
If you want to buy and use it the way it is, it is fine, but if you pretend to mod it... even if it is labeled as mod the only thing mod in here is the prim itself on its main state, not even the other states of the prim, so depending on how you want to use it, don't buy, contacted the creator that didn't help in anything, so for me it was wast of money.
Most of the product is (no transfer) (no modify) the only think you will be able to mod is the prim.
WOOT this is so freaking cool! I just can't stop chopping trees!!!!