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Working In A Kitchen Full Perm Sound Effects

Working In A Kitchen Full Perm Sound Effects

Real life sound effects: Working in a large kitchen.

These sounds have all the ambience of a working kitchen, which means "not quiet". Large kitchens have a constant hum of machinery, it's part of the charm.

Includes clocking in, oven door sounds, cooler door sounds, steamer door sounds, freezer door sounds, the inside of a cooler and freezer, ice machine, making rice, water running, large metal door opening and closing and carts rolling. It also includes garbage cans rolling and an oven timer.

This is perfect for industrial size kitchens.

You may use these in your builds, you may share them with your own avatars. You may not give or sell these sounds to other avatars not on your account or belonging to you in full perm form. You may not sell these sounds full perm.

See item in Second Life