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~XM~ Celtic Emerald Treasure Pumps Shoe Box

~XM~ Celtic Emerald Treasure Pumps Shoe Box

~XM~ Designs Shoes! These high heeled pumps have a rich emerald green covering and at the toe is delicate Celtic knot work in gold with an emerald gem in its center. The pumps are copy and have a low lag resiging script. I invite you to visit the in-world store, where you will see the matching jewelry displayed with this pair of pumps.

These pumps are perfect with formal wear, wedding wear, casual wear or on their own and are made by Countess Marie.

As always, kind remarks are welcome here. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me in-world. My messages never cap!

XMarieX Fairport
~XM~ Designs Shoes

See item in Second Life