*XO* Caribbean Curse Pirate Outfit
High Quality Fit-Mesh for Belleza - Maitreya - Slink
Boots, Skirt, Corset, Armwear fitted Mesh
Hat resizable
Saber & Pistol Scripted
Parrot talkin
Materials Enabled.
Enable ADVANCED LIGHTNING in your Graphic Setings to get the full Impression of the Look
It looks good even without advanced lights but looks beter with materials :)
pussy comes through
I thought a nice roleplay item, but with my AO suddenly the pussy comes all through
Now you can use alpha-ing hiding it apart then its great. A panty will also come through the dress, so its not great, the skirt is very short as well
Caribbean Curse Pitate
Not only do I have an outfit, and I'm writing a review for the first time.
FURTHER SO PLEASE, everything is perfect and fits incredibly for the price, great work really, for everyone who likes it Costumes to film and series in latex Buy HIR, and you do everything right, thank you work and price UNBEATABLE
L$ 299
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed