Product: XT Pinstripe Suit Tyler Olive
Fitting: Gianni, Jake, Slink, TMP, David, Adam, Classic
Full Version: This suit is in 1 piece, so you need just 1 click to wear the entire suit.
This suit is avaiable in 11 base colours for the jacket and pants. When you buy the suit this colour can't be changed. So choose carefully wich colour you would like as a base to match your shirt, tie and vest to.
The vest, shirt and tie can be customized by hud. Tie & shirt have 12 colours to choose from, the vest has 14. You can change the colours seperatly for vest, shirt and tie.Also includes a free alpha mask layer.
In this demo there is 1 suit, without hud. You can use the demo to check fit, quality of mesh and textures.
Please adjust alpha settings on your HUD in case skin comes through your clothing.
Man with Signature Gianni body can also wear mesh clothing for Fitmesh Classic. Just to be sure though, always try a demo first!
Dear Customer,
We thank you for your interest in our products.
Please set your graphics to High/ultra and the sun position to Midday to achieve the best visual experience.
Before you decide to continue your purchase we strongly recommend to take notice of the following:
Our Policies:
1. Buy a DEMO before buying the actual product, skipping this option is at your own risk.
2. While the permissions are set to copy only we can't refund your money (Double purchase excluded).
3. We solve all technical issues of the product itself. If we can't, we guarantee a 100% payback.
4. In case of any questions please send a notecard to the creator, reply usually follows within 12 hours (C.E.T.).
5. In all cases we assume you've taken notice of our policies before buying our products.
We’ll do everything in our power to ensure your purchase is fully satisfactory. If you encounter technical issues, please contact the creator.
Technical issues are for example disfunctioning attachmentpoints, missing parts/textures etc.
Please be aware that the evironment, viewer settings, animations and shape-modifications can have a negative impact on the appearance of Mesh products.
These are not technical issues and therefore not under our responsibility.
If your device can handle it, set your graphics to high/ultra and your Objects & Sculpts LOD setting to 3000-4000.
Mesh products will look better and it might solve most issues.
For Classic or Mesh formal & casual items of any kind like hair, clothing etc. please visit:
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