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MESH[SAC] P90 SMG for LLCS v1.12 Box Version 1.12

MESH[SAC] P90 SMG for LLCS v1.12 Box

SAC P90 Sub-Machine Gun - version 1.12

P90 introduction movie

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This item is set
no mod
no transfer

We don't offer refunds on this item.


This product is not related on Event "Toy-Gun" version.

This product has SAC basic options(see images), and new option parts(Optics, Hider etc..) will be added!


<<Special Information for VERY Special People>>

This is a "FULL/SEMI-AUTO Only" Rifle, you have to "Mouse Button" click to shoot
at "Mouselook Mode", and this product can not dump 30 rounds in 1 sec.


It does NOT shoot:
-Nukes or other Explosives
-GCS Compatible Bullet
(ask zombie Sim owner LLCS bullets can work or not)

It does NOT have:
-HUD system(someday we will make it, sorry for inconvenient)
-MOD permission, you can only operate through the menu(resize, recolor etc)

Not being supported with:
-Person who rejecting update product always
-Person who got refunds by unavoidable reason.
-Claim about Prohibition of use due to rules in specific regions


** Credits **
Director: Catty Hammerer(SAC, SSOC)
Build & Texture: Eripom Moonwall(SAC, SSOC),TFA Akina(UEPONYA)
Scripts: TFA Akina(UEPONYA)
Animations: Chibiuzu Noel(Uzunimation)

SCAR-H Advisor: Kurohige Steamer(SAC, Editor of Military DVD Magazine "GUNNER")
>>> see more info of "GUNNER" at this URL below

** Features **

-Designed for all collision meters(NOT MEANS OF API) and LLCS.
*Detailed Mesh Model. (see more images)
*Real size weapon(With RESIZER) .
-Low lag scripting.
-Custom sounds.
-Custom Animations.
-Always keeps gun settings.
-Auto Update.
-Fully AO Controled(contains over 100 animations * 2 sizes)
-Dynamic kneeling.
-Dynamic reloading.
-Selectable Optical Sights(OpenDot, MicroDot, HoloSight).

<< Compatible With TonkTastic FDT Gloves!! >>

- Main Gun detects and connects your FDT gloves automatically.
(NOTICE: FDT Gloves "On Duty" or "Complete" version is required, "CIvilian" is not supported)

TonkTastic - FDT Gloves(Complete):

TonkTastic - FDT Gloves(On Duty):

this feature will be activated next "draw" command when you attach gloves.

*if your can see multiple gloves hands, set neutral pose(top and center in Pose HUD) once.



Quick Kneeling:
you wil kneeling when holding PageDown key or C key, and you will stand up when you releasing Key.

SAC P90 Mags(LHand) v1.0???:
please attach(or "add") your left hand, just for fun.

Strobing Flash Light:
you can strobing flash light to target by "Flash" command.

you can sprinting when you off-mouselook mode, keeps 5 secs and 10 secs to re-charging.

**Update History**

v1.10 - initial release

**Special Thanks**

- Tonk Tomcat(Tonktastic Industries)
- v4lent1ne21 Resident
- Kaoruco Resident

and sll SSOC staff and SSOC 4th gunners, enjoy^^

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • •Detailed Mesh work. (see more images)
  • •Low lag scripting
  • •Designed for all Collision meters
  • •Selectable Colors and Textures
  • •Variable Gun Actions
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Love this gun!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 18, 2022 by EnderKaziki

I absolutely love how you've done this gun and the custom animations! Like for real. I also did an photo too! https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1000/b1eb68343041438495d0792fdae3cafd-png.jpg

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 15, 2022 by Entdeus

Ill be honest here, I really dont care much about SL combat sims, I got it because it looks cool and to just shoot at friends and be annoying.

Weapon has a full AO and backwards strafing, which i think is neat.

The details are very good and there is some incredible attention to detail, the magazine bullets actually deplete as you shoot, you can grab magazines off of the included pouch when attached.

Its a neat gun with good attention to detail and its fun to use, even if to just mess around.

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The Pro Operator Special
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 10, 2022 by Tsekani

As of this review, this is easily the most capable of all the SAC weapons in my arsenal so far as being combat-worthy. Render cost is very reasonable, fire rate is exceptional, accurate is quite high, and with a 50 round mag you get plenty of chances to win the day. All that plus modifications in an extremely small package. Highly recommended.

Things that may interest / concern you:
-Comes with the Active Mag Pouch. Shows a magazine being drawn from the pouch when loading. Available as a double or single pouch for ease of sizing.
-Accurate remaining ammo count visible through translucent magazine housing. The feed wheel in the magazine even rotates to seat the next round. Remarkable.
-Can be scaled up or down to fit most sizes. Animations in two sizes with an option for wearing body armor (or dad bod). Doesn't always play nice with skeletal distorted bodies (such as the Kemono) or max-height avatars.
-FX, RP and Raycast Bullets effective against most collision based targets, including classic Grim Combat System (GCS) zombies. (Rez rights required, works on collision GCS monsters only.)

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Update to Last Review.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 07, 2022 by Damien Blakewell

After reviewing this weapon a bit further and an apparent bug that affected the collision filter for the bullets. This weapon seems to function more accurately then the last update. More accurately then I originally thought. Sounds not withstanding this is a pretty good weapon with its new update. Would recommend at this point.

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You want to make a statement?
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 19, 2022 by Thanatos Ikura

An operator with this in there hands will make a statement on any area of operations. Wide variety of options to suit your needs. Easy to use and well, easy to operate. If you wanted something to help you make a statement, you have found the perfect tool to speak for you. Well worth the price. Yet another fine work made by an awesome group.

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More than just a firearm...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 18, 2022 by Damien Avedon

The SAC P-90 smg is more than just another SL firearm. It comes with a host of features, such as:
1. Animations. These work and are for all bipedal avatars. You can switch them on or off as needed. 2. Realistic accuracy and damage. This weapon does not launch anything but bullets, fifty per magazine. There are no rockets, grenades, or death rays; this is an honest recreation of the Belgian PDW that is in use today. 3. There is no HUD. All functions are controlled by clicking on the drawn weapon rather than leaving mouselook and trying to click the appropriate change: there isn't any. It's become my go-to weapon for zombie killing in the Deathlands sim and in others as well (probably). The bullets seem to be universal (altho' there are some choices in ammo). Oh, and it does come with things like sights and lighting, should you need them, just click the weapon and choose from the blue card's options.
All in all, I consider this to be one of my best, if not my best Combat sim weapon. I'll be using it a lot. (Note: this is the short-barreled Military version, not the longer-barreled civilian version, the European FN weapon, not the US version.)

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