G Général

.:YANAROXX:. Shoulderbag { JELLY } Black Denim

.:YANAROXX:. Shoulderbag { JELLY } Black Denim

.:Y A N A R O X X ☜★ :.

★ Shoulderbag ★


1 X Shoulderbag with Accessories
copy, NO modify & NO transfer

with the Option to delete this Script if you no longer need these.
But make a "COPY" before delete!!!


How to improve the look of Sculpt :
Ctrl +D (brings the Advanced menu)
-> Debug Settings
-> Type: " rendervolumeLODFactor " and adjust it to 4 or 5
Done :-)

Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile vide
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
Nearly perfect
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile vide Publié le 5/3/2015 de Avery Morningstar

The quality of the bag and the look is superb. I love it and wear it very often. No matter that though after deleting the resizer when it gets clicked it KEEPS SAYING that it cant be resized anymore because the script was deleted. Either it is just me accidently clicking the bag or even 3rd persons can click on it to give me this message.

But the bag itself when you dont delete the resizer, 100%!

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?