NOTICE: This is a mostly decorative item aside from a couple functions and positions that it has. It is not a fully animated tea ceremony or anything like that.
The chosenburo is a special pair of brazier and kettle involved in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Furo is the brazier that holds the charcoal and ash that heats the water in the kama (kettle) above. Furo come in many styles with kama made especially to match the shape. This type of furo is called chosen-furo and evolved from an earlier style brazier that originated from Korea.
Observing the seasons is especially important in preparing for the tea ceremony. This kind of brazier is traditionally involved in tea ceremonies that take place in the warmer months. Colder months call for the use of the sunken hearth.
Everything done in the way of tea is done with intention and precision, from the shape of the ash mountains inside the brazier, to the way the charcoal pieces are laid. Hospitality for the guest is always kept in mind. (Ex. Charcoal is laid as such to avoid overheating your guest that may be sitting near the brazier).
As the water is set up to heat in the kettle, the lid is tilted open to allow steam to escape. The sound of steam flowing through is sometimes called "Matsukaze" meaning "Wind in the pines" because it reminds people of this peaceful phenomenon.
Objects included are MOD/COPY.
The script that controls the object is COPY ONLY.
The script is OWNER ONLY.
Click the object to get the dialogue box and choose your function.
A section for controlling the volume of the steam is included.
The entire item linked together is 3 Land Impact.
It has MATERIALS. Turn on advanced lighting model to see the object come alive.
You can delete the script and unlink the parts if you want to use pieces separately for display purposes.
The "kan" or metal rings that are used for transporting the kettle are not supposed to stay on the kettle when it is sitting on the furo in use during a ceremony. In reality one removes them when the kettle gets placed on the brazier. I've only included them in the build for maybe RP purposes or display reasons.
I hope you enjoy using this in your Japanese-style Second Life!
(I am not an expert on tea, but will always strive to do the best research possible and down to the finest of details. Should I get something wrong, please feel free to correct me.)
- Has sound for the steam so you can enjoy matsu kaze.
- Lid has different positions for show/hide/tilt.
- Various sound volumes.
- Accurate charcoal placement.
- Parts can be unlinked.