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YoGa Poses - Learning magics 2

YoGa Poses - Learning magics 2

One (1) avatar Male/Female pose, ideal for photography. Those poses are recomended for medium avatars. With the Animation (static pose) you will get a poseball for you to be able to adjust the pose according to your avatar.
The images are untouched in Photoshop to present visual accuracy to body lines.

Contents: - book, poses, plus magic wand

Permissions are :

✓ Copy
✓ Modify
x Transfer

To see all of our work you need to choose - ‘General, Moderate, Adult’ from the ‘Show maturity levels’ on dropdown list higher in this page...we have poses across the 3 maturity levels...make sure you see all of them!

Thank you for visiting YoGa Poses !

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