Yoni's Lucky Dip - Random Object Giver. Version 1.2
You can use Yoni's Lucky Dip to attract customers to your shop or market stalls, or to add it to the attractions of the Fancy Fair that you organized. I'm sure you can invent a lot of other attractive possibilities.
The wooden tub is filled with wads of paper and a lot of small presents. There are some presents in the barrel when you get it but of course you can also put in your own presents or other objects.
Everyone who touches the tub gets such a free random present from the tub..
You can add or change the objects yourself (Edit - content) and of course you can replace the text and image at the small plaque on top of the barrel by a texture with your own text and logo. (Note: objects you add must have at least Copy and Transfer permissions.)
An interesting possibility is to fill the tub with surprise boxes (there are already a few included) that contain the prize, landmark, note card, and so on, of your company or organisation.