Your Last Trip To Anywhere 2 door sedan
0 Reviews
Your Last Trip To Anywhere 2 door sedan
for those quick trips to the store for more ammo
two versions in the box now-one is lower-one is higher :-)
you "might" make it back - coughs
music player is tuned to prettty reckkless
seats 4 avatars - sorta haha
deluxe real dirt finish
adjustable settings and seating
muddy wheels
unique rp car
- ACS v.7CAR Scripts/Driver hud
- deluxe real dirt finish
- easy to drive
- adjustable seating and settings
- seats 4,custom plate
L$ 300
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
0 Reviews
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- User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
100% Mesh