!! Advanced lighting required !!
- Sold in colors separately only in world.
!! -10% on all the jewelry of the world for the group !!
DEMO MOVIE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hasad2m1Ccw
Skin and clothing materials appliers.
HUD Light include !!
-Light YsoraL
-YsoraL - Material Applier Glitters (Maitreya)
-YsoraL - Material Applier Glitters (Legacy)
-YsoraL - Material Applier Glitters (Inithium)
-YsoraL - Material Applier Glitters (Belleza)
-YsoraL - Material Applier Glitters (Reborn)
Please watch the video to understand the options .
View Video »I love it!
A great effect for imaginative outfits. Not cheap but worth the money!
The BEST of all Body Materials !
OMG this is the best ever glitter materials ever created, I can't go out dancing without these, exquisite ! This is my SL body lava
This is a beautiful applier and I REALLY enjoy how it looks on my avi. The 50% refund giftcard was an awesome touch! I dunno why anyone wouldn't take the time to follow the instructions in order to get half of the cost refunded. All your products are BEAUTIFUL and you do such an AMAZING job. Thank you for being such an awesome creator!!