G General

(Yummy) Celebration Ring Collection

(Yummy) Celebration Ring Collection

This set is compatible with hands from:

Maitryea Lara, Bellezas Freya, Legacy, INITHIUM Kupra, and Ebody Reborn

Hand chains and rings are controlled by a HUD allowing you to:

- Show and hide the individual pieces

- Choose from 8 gems presets and 4 metal finishes

Tint the individual Metal or Gems on each piece using the color picker or tint all gems and metal as a group.

- Fine-tune a glow for the gems

- Toggle Full Bright on or off

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  • Works with Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya, Legacy, Kupra, and Reborn bento hands
  • Show and hide the individual rings & hand chains
  • Choose from 8 gems presets and 4 metal finishes
  • Tint the individual Metal or Gems on each piece using the color picker