(Yummy) Heavy Metal Curated Earrings
(Yummy) Heavy Metal Curated Earrings come with 1 rigged set for Lelutka EvoX female ears and 2 unrigged sets.
Other Features:
- All sets included are modifiable and unrigged sets can be resized and adjusted to fit any ear type. The unrigged sets also come with both linked or separate left and right attachments.
- 14 piercings (7 on each ear) that you can show or hide separately on both ears for asymmetrical looks
- Choose from 10 gem and 10 metal finishes for each earring
Mod | Copy | No Trans | HUD Controlled
- Rigged for Lelutka EvoX female ears
- 2 Resizable & Modifiable unrigged sets (linked & seperate ears) also included
- 14 piercings (7 on each ear) that you can show or hide separately on both ears
- Choose from 10 gem and 10 metal finishes for each earring
L$ 399
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This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed