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(Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set

(Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set

Simply wear this necklace and it will snap into place with your mesh body! Please try a demo before purchasing!!!

(Yummy) Serenity Layered Necklace Set is fit for these mesh bodies & parts:

Maitreya Lara
Legacy Original
Ebody Reborn
Belleza Gen.X Classic & Curvy

*Unrigged necklace & Earrings also included*

Other Features:

- Toggle visibility of each necklace strand or either earring hoop

- Matching unrigged earrings included

- Choose from 8 metal finishes and 10 gem colors

- Tint HUD included

- Modifiable

- Create a unique look by mixing and matching different metal finishes and gem colors for each necklace strand and earrings.

- Resize menu for unrigged parts

Rigged & Unrigged mesh | HUD Controlled

Item permissions
☑ Copy
☑ Modify
☒ Transfer

  • Toggle visibility of each necklace strand or either earring hoop
  • Mix and match different metal finishes and gem colors for each part
  • Choose from 8 metal finishes and 10 gem colors
  • Tint HUD included
  • Modifiable