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Zara Mesh - Horror - Creepy Mannequin - FULL PERM MESH

Zara Mesh - Horror - Creepy Mannequin - FULL PERM MESH

Zara Mesh - Horror - Creepy Mannequin

2 LI

100% MESH Full Permission: Copy ☑ Modify ☑ Transfer ☑

▶ Textures

→ You are NOT allowed to sell the meshes / textures / poses as they are - You can only sell them as a part of the product you made.

→ This license is only valid for the avatar account that purchases the product. You cannot give/share/send/sell this license or any of this resource pack & contents with copy & transfer permissions enabled to another (account, alts, friends, etc).

→ The items created from this product may be used as you wish in-world and on the Marketplace as long as they are not given away or sold as full perm.

→ The larger or more complex a mesh is, the higher land impact (LI) it will have.
When you stretch a mesh item, the LI will increase.

→ We recommended to setting LOD level at 4.

Enjoy creating, and please IM me or send a NC if you have any questions or concerns, I would be glad to help you.

Snjezana Tzara

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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great for those Silent Hill Fans
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 03, 2021 by BrianTopp

Perfect for my halloween sim this year.

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