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Zashiki-gi :: Shamisen - Gion Kouta

Zashiki-gi :: Shamisen - Gion Kouta

"If you've got three strings, you can eat." - Geisha saying

The shamisen is the badge of the geisha profession, the 'three strings' upon which the women make their living. Even now those geisha who are primarily dancers learn enough of the shamisen and singing to increase her understanding of the dance, even if she never plays music publicly for customers. The hosozao, or 'thin neck' shamisen is used for nagauta (kabuki pieces), and hauta and kouta, the songs of geisha.


This isn't just a prop, but will play a clear and crisp *actual kouta sung by geiko from Kyoto*. The songs are smooth, with no skipping, and there are no extra noises in the background.

The shamisen also comes with a lyric HUD! The way you can display both the translated English AND the original Japanese lyrics while playing. Wearing the HUD is optional.

No more fooling around with media players or tabs, or asking your customers if they can hear the music. No stress and no trouble at getting media to play! Simply attach OR rezz the shamisen and click to open the menu! Each shamisen comes embedded with one song, and the HUD with the matching, timed, lyrics. No copy/pasting and no worries about making mistakes--it's all done for you! All customers need to do is have their sound on!

Give smooth, authentic performances for your guests to truly appreciate the karyukai arts!

Want to Try It?

If you wish to test the sound of the shamisen, one is rezzed at Zashiki-gi's main Kyoto-shi shop. Simply click to bring up the menu, choose play, and Gion Kouta will be heard.

The total land impact is only 11!