A formal gown embraced with sculpted lillies. Layered top and side slit skirt bottom with flexi skirt.
Resizable script which you can delete.
The sculpted (not rigged nor fitmesh) lillies come in two versions(resizing via script and modifiable)
Includes and Supports appliers for:
Lolas tango
lush breasts
Sking brazilia
EVE pulpy and slim applier
Omega appliers (materials advanced) INFORMATION: G. Inc, Ebody and Tonic mesh body users to use the omega appliers
Slink Physique applier hud
Belleza Venus applier
Maitreya applier
Sking Brazilia Doll applier hud
Vs Fusion applier
TMP applier
TERMS: Read before you buy?
This product is created by Zed Sensations
Copyright ©2010-2016 Zed Sensations. All rights reserved.
It is entitled for redelivery, which is also available at our inworld store. Upon buying, it is the buyer's responsibility to understand the seller and creator will not be held accountable for any lost, duplicated purchases or deleted incidences.