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Zen-Lona bento

Zen-Lona bento

I made this shape using Catwa's Lona bento mesh head and maitreya body(if there is no demo please request one for free inworld) I have not tested it with other catwa heads. Please make sure to read this description, requesting or trying a demo or contacting me inworld before posting your review! Not everyone has the same preference on shapes, keep in mind that just because its not your taste it doesnt make it ok to post a bad review, if there is a issue please contact me inworld first! I love my customers and want to help if possible....This shape is copy/mod and comes with a style card....The ad picture is edited, the other snapshots are pictures just cropped to fit size restrictions no other enhancements or alterations have been made...The last snapshot is proof that it will look lovely with other skins (Glam affairs Alba-America tone). <3

  • Catwa lona bento head shape
  • Maitreya body shape