Does not work with Cat Life products!
Animesh Cat is an NPC - NOT an avatar.
The Zooby Animesh Cats will roam around your sim and randomly eat and drink from food and water bowls.
They will use litter boxes and sleep in beds.
They can be dressed with shirts, sweaters, collars, hats and socks.
They include wide eyes, slit eyes and medium eyes as well as yellow, green and blue eyes.
They can follow you all over your sim.
You can attach them, carry them in your arms and hold them. You can attach them so they sit or walk next to you. You can fly with them.
They are copyable so you can rez as many as you like.
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Can roam around your sim freely
- Can be carried and taken all over SL
- Can walk next to you and follow you
- Includes various eye colors and settings
- Can wear clothing and uses accessories
Worth Our Attention!
This moggie's a lovely build: lovely skin, realistic movements, and when walking copes well with most terrain (watch out for mesh-based terrain additions to the normal sim ground level though). My reason for not giving it the top rating is that it doesn't come with the support items (food bowl, litter tray, sleeping basket) that came as standard, in the Zooby Ultimate Grey Tabby Cat which I have as its predecessor, and its support items don't seem to be compatible.
I understand that you can buy them for this cat as EXTRAS now; and that they might be supplied as and when it's upgraded.
So! The choice is yours! Expensive... but I'm happy to pay for this kind of quality, and hopefully you are too...