Zoot Navy Blue/White PinStripin Suit DragonFly Designs
30 Reviews
These suits are the first of the Zoot Suit Collection being released by DragonFly Designs!
All Suits come with the Slacks, Vests, and Jackets!
Also comes with Prim Cuban Heel Shoes, Bling Zoot Hip Chains,Bling Rose Boutineers, 2 different Prim Hats the Zoot GodFather and the Zoot Derby!
Each Suit is unique with the specialty ties made special for each suit you wont find the same tie on any of the suits or vests!
Very proud to announce these suits and they are available for purchase at DFO DragonFly Designs Sim. I hope all the men enjoy wearing some flava and the ladies will sure enjoy looking!
DFO DragonFly Designs,DragonFly Oasis (124, 126, 73