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[aR] Portable Lifeguard Station Version 1.0

[aR] Portable Lifeguard Station

Requires an up-to-date viewer.

[aR] Portable Lifeguard Station

The Lifeguard Chair contains 2 sitposes, Adjustable sit position, and an eject function.

The Cell Phone has a couple of scripted functions as well.
Touching it to light up the display. Wiping over the display to switch images. (You can add your own images into the phones inventory. The '+', and '-' buttons on the phone, will zoom in/out. You can move the zoomed image while dragging on the display. The Play button will cycle through the images automatically (if there are more than 1 images in the phone).

• 100 % Mesh
• Handmade LoD (works perfectly with default viewer settings)
• Materials Enhanced

• Lifeguard Chair (with linked Rescue Can, Lifeguard Bag, Binoculars, Cell Phone, Bottle, Sunscreen Tube, Adhesive Bandages, Whistle, Megaphone).
• Rescue Board w/ Mount
• Umbrella
• Copy/Modify
• Land Impact: 9

All 2D/3D/Scripting by arton Rotaru

  • 100 % Mesh
  • Handmade LoD
  • Materials Enhanced
  • Copy/Modify
  • Land Impact: 9