G Generell

[ a.e.meth ] - Beachy Clunker (Blue)

[ a.e.meth ] - Beachy Clunker (Blue)

YOU! You, with that oversized gas-guzzler in your pixel garage. Are you tired of your virtual wallet being drained by the Illuminati? Do you want to look absolutely pimpin in an adorable ride instead, that's guaranteed to attract the ladies (or gentlemen, or just make anybody insanely jealous of you)?

Then look no further! Your problems are instantly solved with the all-new Beachy Clunker!

The Beachy Clunker comes with two versions:

* REZZABLE - call your friends, 'cuz this beauty seats two in the back! The poses aren't magnificent, and the handling is insanely awful, but that's the fun of a virtual jalopy! You'll easily veer off of roads and honk wildly at your neighbors, all while they wonder if you're on crack!
* WEARABLE - Rezzing is for suckers! All you want is a good roleplay vehicle. Our wearable version of the Beachy Clunker comes with the jazzed-up engine startup and idle sound, so you can roll through your favorite sim without adding to its prim impact. Aren't you the considerate one! Impress your local GMs and admins with your thoughtful wearable vehicle, and they'll be giving you unfair advantages and passes on godmodding in no time!

An attachable hud for horn-honking comes as an extra! Wear the horn aside from your Beachy Clunker to let people know that they need to hurry the hell up or just get out of your way!

* Is your friend blathering on constantly, and you need to let her know to wrap it up? Honk that horn!
* Are you in some kind of SL line for some reason, and it seems to be going nowhere? Honk that horn!
* Are you sick of people standing around at store entrances as if they have no sense to move to the side? Honk that horn repeatedly and unapologetically!

But wait--there's more!

The Beachy Clunker is a $50,000L value, a prestigious package sure to please the biggest land-wasting parcel mogul out there! But for our introductory period of forever, we're knocking the price down to 250L!

That's right--250L!

Your friends will NEVER know your secret to living large and in charge on a budget. Just click that 'buy' button or visit our in-world store, and you'll be well on your way to becoming one of the hippest car-drivers on the grid!

Our trained operators (of absolutely no one but a sales box stuck outside our art gallery) are standing by! Don't wait to be the last person on your block with the hottest new item around--order YOUR Beachy Clunker today!

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