The volume of the song was great. However.... the dance animation was awful!
Had some issues with it as well. Could NOT get the dancer to open from the box!
I had to FORCE it out! I rezzed out the 'treasure chest' box. went into 'Edit' then it's
contents, I dragged the dancer directly into my inventory to make it work with a message
saying copying/move may cause issues blah blah
When I first rezzed the box and clicked it, all I got was this message
" .a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dance Orb - Boxed: Open your chat history (CTRL+H) and click on this link to join the group: *A Girl's Treasure*"
so you almost pay L$100 to join a free group???
my next issue is, not even half the song played then I got the error message
" Could not find sound '27'."
False advertisement
Thanks to the misleading name, I wasted 200 L$. Tried to rez the damn thing after the second time I bought it, thinking "I probably bought the wrong one". But no, it was the same one, and rezzing it made the second one disappear.
I'd suggest making the name a dance ORB, not danceR. I won't be spending 300 total for this thing
I got this for me and my husband and we keep getting the following in local
[06:48] .a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dance Orb - Wear: Could not find sound '27'.
Awesome song, but that dance.. roflmao :D Only dancing duck is better..
But okay, it works.. the sound of that song is fine..