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.a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dancer

.a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dancer


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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 19, 2023 by jusFoxxy

The volume of the song was great. However.... the dance animation was awful!
Had some issues with it as well. Could NOT get the dancer to open from the box!
I had to FORCE it out! I rezzed out the 'treasure chest' box. went into 'Edit' then it's
contents, I dragged the dancer directly into my inventory to make it work with a message
saying copying/move may cause issues blah blah
When I first rezzed the box and clicked it, all I got was this message
" .a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dance Orb - Boxed: Open your chat history (CTRL+H) and click on this link to join the group: *A Girl's Treasure*"
so you almost pay L$100 to join a free group???
my next issue is, not even half the song played then I got the error message
" Could not find sound '27'."

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False advertisement
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 27, 2018 by ShiftyV

Thanks to the misleading name, I wasted 200 L$. Tried to rez the damn thing after the second time I bought it, thinking "I probably bought the wrong one". But no, it was the same one, and rezzing it made the second one disappear.

I'd suggest making the name a dance ORB, not danceR. I won't be spending 300 total for this thing

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted March 12, 2017 by d00mg1rl

I got this for me and my husband and we keep getting the following in local

[06:48] .a.g.t. Slipknot - Pschosocial - Dance Orb - Wear: Could not find sound '27'.

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted April 13, 2016 by Fruchtfliege

Awesome song, but that dance.. roflmao :D Only dancing duck is better..
But okay, it works.. the sound of that song is fine..

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