perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 24 x 14 meters
prims = 32
The Vamp K6, a warrior airplane arefully textured, can hold 2 passangers (with multiposes seats) + the pilot. The propeller start the rotation when you start to flight.
It has a slide door, a central light that can turn on/off and set the power (low, mid, high) by touching the cockpit.
Arrow key UP or W = nose down (go down)
Arrow key DOWN or S = nose up (go up)
Arrow keys LEFT & RIGHT or A & D = left, right
PgUp/PgDn or E/C = increase the throttle by steps of 10% (from 0 to 100)
NOTE: only the owner can drive it.
If you have some question i glad to help you, drop me a notecard:
rokoloco72 Zapatero
Thanks for your purchase!
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