Beautiful earrings in a rich style created in sculpt prims with pearls and a little diamond. It's perfect to wear always, but specially with your favorite gown.
A gift for you, just 1 linden.
you can see all my creations at this web page:
potrai visitarmi e vedere tutte le mie creazioni qui:
If you like it, please leave a comment and a vote. I will appreciate, thank you
Begli orecchini in un ricco stile composti da sculpt prims con perle e un piccolo diamante. E' perfetto da indossare sempre, ma specialmente con il tuo abito preferito.
Un regalo per te, a solo 1 Linden.
Se ti fa piacere, lascia un commento e un voto. Lo apprezzerò, grazie.
Veja o item no Second LifeBeautiful
Nice gift. Thank you.
Looking for Elegant? This is it.
Great detail. Looks like pearls among gold. Absolutely stunning with my avi's dark hair as a background.