Text to 3D AI generated coffee set that has an aged antique feel. The images are closeup shots taken in SL, with no subsequent image editing at all, so what you see here is what you will get.
Please note that the plates (there are 4 of them) are identical in the coffee, tea and dinner sets that are being sold as separate packages. The coffee set has its own coffee cup, coffee pot, cream pitcher and sugar bowl. The cake stands, again, are the same as the ones inside the tea set. So, if you decide to purchase more than one of the sets please be aware that you will get repeat pieces that the sets share.
The land impact of the pieces varies from 1 to 3, with one notable exception - one of the plates is 11.
Note: In order to make these objects look the way that they do in the pictures here, they need to be "lit". Please place prims with light that is adjusted to your needs (in most cases a radius between 1 and 2 meters and a falloff of 1 will be sufficient, smaller objects will need less). Place as many as you need around the object, link and set to phantom.
- text to 3D
- mesh
- AI generated