binkeeze! by tumble tots
items included :
1 mended heart pacifier [with strap] pacifier - 12 prims
1 mended heart pacifier [without strap] pacifier - 10 prims
1 mended heart pacifier [display case] - 18 prims
binkeeze! are the ULTIMATE in pacifiers for both adults and children alike, our pacifiers offer a uniqueness that will make you want to wear them all the time and offer fun features simply not found in any other binky!
features as the owner of binkeeze! :
binkeeze are menu driven! simply click your binky while wearing it to bring up the menu that controls the following :
binky on - this activates your binky movement! your binky will move in and out of your mouth just like a real paci!
binky off - this stops the binky movement.
sound on - this activates the sound associated with your binky and offers a pleasnt volume level as to not blast everyones ears out.
sound off - this turns the sound off.
bling on - this activates bling for your paci and no its not crazy bling, we spent an hour to adjust this to give a soft look.
bling off - this turns your bling off.
replace! - if someone removes your binky and never replaces it, you can simply click your mouth where your paci normally is this will replace it.
features when someone else clicks your binky :
remove!! - (when they click your binky for the first time) anyone can remove your paci while you are wearing it by clicking it, they will be given a menu to remove your paci and if they do, you'll throw a short tantrum by falling to the ground and kicking your legs and hands, then your binky will ask them to replace it!
replace! - (after they remove the binky) they can click your binky again by clicking your mouth, then can replace it for you!
tease more! - (after they remove the binky) and are asked to replace it again, this menu option will open and they can make you throw another tantrum!
hevenz vansant
tumble tots © copyright 2007-2011 by tumble tots childrens collections ® 2007-2011.
binkeeze!™, popcaps!™, pacieeze!™ and kidzprintz™ are © copyright 2007-2011 by tumble tots childrens collections ® 2007-2011.
- Binkeeze Pacifier Engine 1.6 ( Scripted by US! )
- 100 % Custom Animations! ( Created by US! )
- Highly Detailed Mathmatically Corrent Prim Perfect Construction!
- Menu Driven for Owner and Others! ( Our ORIGINAL Idea )
- Second Lifes Most ORIGINAL Pacifier!