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[ba] mulholland house 3.0 - house and furniture

[ba] mulholland house 3.0 - house and furniture


Hello and thank you for visiting my store and looking at my creations. If you have any questions please ask BEFORE purchasing! See info at bottom of card for contact information.
basic info about purchasing

This notecard is intended to give you basic information about the structure and its features, as well as a reference to compare it to other prefabs you may be considering. Please be sure to also visit the prefab model before buying, as a written description is no substitution to seeing the prefab and its features in person. If you have any questions please ask BEFORE purchasing.

mulholland house

Prim Count:
house: 73 prims
furniture and decor: 228
total with house and furniture as displayed: 301

Foot Print size:
29x28 meters

Height*: about 12 meters

prims: copy, modify, no transfer
scripts: copy, no modify, no transfer

Scripted Features:

Keyserver: Menu driven access list for locks and privacy features, also works with chat commands.

Doors: Doors can be locked and unlocked to restrict access.

Windows: glass can be toggled between different levels of privacy from very clear to completely solid.

*height can vary slightly depending on terrain and how much of the foundation is left above ground.

mulholland house furniture

If buying the furniture with the house or as a bundle, permissions will be copy/mod on all items. Items bought from the in world display will be whatever the next owner permissions are set to.

The following items are contained in the furniture packs:

[ba] blocks rug
[ba] boomerang floor lamp
[ba] brass floor lamp
[ba] candle trio on bronze tray
[ba] deco bar cart
[ba] mulholland bench sofa
[ba] mulholland chair
[ba] mulholland chair with ottoman
[ba] mulholland potted plant
[ba] potted snake plant
[ba] spare chair
[ba] stack of books
[ba] tiny vase 1
[ba] tiny vase 2
[ba] vintage TV! fixxed
Picture Frame

[ba] arc floor lamp
[ba] beehive pendant
[ba] brass floor lamp
[ba] candle trio on bronze tray
[ba] egg chair
[ba] mulholland lounge seat
[ba] mulholland lounge sectional
[ba] mulholland potted plant
[ba] mulholland side board
[ba] mulholland side table
[ba] rope-wrapped pot - squat
[ba] small potted snake plant
[ba] stack of books
[ba] tiny vase 1
[ba] tiny vase 2
Picture Frame

[ba] 3 panel neutral bird art
[ba] bedroom stool
[ba] boomerang floor lamp
[ba] candle trio on bronze tray
[ba] lattice screen bed and room divider
[ba] mulholland potted plant
[ba] orb light trio
[ba] potted snake plant
[ba] rope-wrapped pot - slender
[ba] rope-wrapped pot - squat
[ba] rope-wrapped pot - tiny
[ba] tray of beauty things

[ba] modern mesh elongated lantern - gold
[ba] modern mesh orb lantern - gold
[ba] organica chair - cream and blue - pose 2
[ba] organica chaise - cream and blue
[ba] organica coffee table
[ba] organica small table
[ba] organica sofa - cream and blue
**landscaping/plants is not sold with house**
Need to know something else?

For general purchasing information please see the buying FAQ at


If your question is not answered there please feel free to contact me. See FAQ at above URL or the contact and help section under my (Barnesworth Anubis) profile picks on how to contact me for help for the fastest response.

Barnesworth Anubis

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Great Mid-Century House!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 07, 2020 by Bear Priestman

I'm new to house "building" and after a few error on my part, I got the house up and running.

I am very pleased with the look and functionality. Excellent work!

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Vieja, pero Hermosa.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 29, 2020 by NECROMANSY666

Simplemente es Hermosa, adoro sus ventanales, su piscina, los muebles no mucho me gustaronla verdad, pero no importa ,para Eso puedes peesonalizar la casa. Estoy dichosa!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 28, 2016 by MzTigerLilly

Better without the furniture. The furniture is so ugly. Nice house tho. Thanks!

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The architecture is nice, the textures are not.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 26, 2016 by Tea Memo

Even when the architecture looks ok and the corner with the little pool looks really nice, the textures are complete obsolete and looks terribly old. I tried to changed myself the textures but in some way the house still looks really odd. It really doesn't worth the money. A totally deception :(

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