baii maii 381 Castel Beaute Heels Maitreya Legacy Kupra Kalhene Reborn Apparel Shoes Womans Footwear Stiletto Stockings Anklet Pearls
NOTE! Color HUD supports all faces
In folder is: Heels,Lace stockings & Pearl Anklet
*Maitreya + Lara + Petite
*TMP + Legacy + Perky
*Inithium + Kupra
*Kalhene + Erika
*Ebody + Reborn
100% Mesh
NOTE!! Advanced Lightning model must be enabled in Preferences->Graphic on SL viewer for full texture experience...NOTE in folder..
From Linden lab knowledge base:
If you do have problems, contact the seller first. Give them the opportunity to help you before you post a negative review about the product. And if the issue is resolved, remember to update your review!
- baii maii 381 Castel Beaute Heels Maitreya Belleza Legacy Kupra Kalhene Reborn A
The above user who gave it a 1-star doesn't know how to use legacy
They are cute shoes and I tried them. I will be honest, 99.9% of the time I use Maitreya and they did fit even my Maitreya X body.
However the 1-star reviewer said 'Didn't fit Legacy, wasted $249'. She clearly wasn't knowledgable on how to use her legacy body so I am here to confirm that they do fit Legacy
1.) I am using the regular Legacy Meshbody upgraded to 1.71 (If you aren't upgraded, when you open the outdated one you'll get notification to update).
2.) My Maitreya shape feet are around 25 (Maitreya runs small). I was able to slide my legacy feet up to 50 and they fit properly. Not sure after that. I know if Maitreya feet are sized too big they won't fit.
3.) I used the Legacy Classic Feet attachment. Then in the Legacy HUD (after switching to BoM), I went to the top tab where I can adjust hands and felt, I used the foot shape on the very far right. Now this beautiful shoe fits perfect.
not suitable for legacy feet
not suitable for legacy feet, of course no demo lol
249 ls thrown in the trash