This texture pack will surely put a 'spring' in your step!
White I have offered textures and colors which I believe are complimentary in most cases, feel free to mix&match however you like!
This texture HUD, and all future ones will work with your basic scrubs - no need to change into a different set every time you want a new look!
Even mix&match between the HUDs to customize your look further! :)
In order for this product to work, you -must- own the .basic scrubs. - "essentials pack."
When purchasing this item, please be aware that you will -only- recieve the texture pack HUD shown in the sales AD; there is -no- mesh included.
Refunds will not be awarded for accidental purchase, nor will I 'give you' the mesh scrubs to make the HUD work if you do not already own please, buy with care! <3
That said, I truly hope I have made something you will enjoy! Thank you so much for your support!