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bod - Audrey Shape - Lelutka Ora EvoX

 bod - Audrey Shape - Lelutka Ora EvoX

Audrey was shaped for Lelutka Ora EvoX. She has been updated to include Belleza Gen.X Curvy, Belleza Gen.X Classic. Please note that the bikini in the photo is not yet available for these bodies.

She stands at about 5.9 SL FT which may be considered small or petite.

Flickr for better quality: https://www.flickr.com/photos/marleemuircastle/52182540730


Package includes:

- 6 modifiable shapes: Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn, Belleza Gen.X Curvy, Belleza Gen.X Classic

- Brows

- Style Card

- Ad photo for item reference


- Does NOT include head/body mesh or clothing/accessories

- NO Demo

- Copy/Modify/NO Transfer

- NO Refunds (exception being a duplicate purchase)


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance or have any questions, comments, or suggestions.


Marlee Muircastle


*All my shape photos in my ads are unedited. Mesh bodies pictured are Legacy m/f unless otherwise noted.