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Old sculpted item
This item remains for redelivery

Contents in a package:
6 sculpted prims (mod/copy/trans)
6 sculptmaps (no mod/copy/trans)
you can make your own sculpted prims using these sculptmaps.
If you need mod sculptmaps for special purposes, you should not purchase this item.

Please check mesh brooms too.


You may use the contents in this pack only in Second Life. Please, don't use it in other 3D worlds.

The contents in this pack are not to be given away or resold as is. The contents in this pack may be used on your own creations freely, for commercial or personal builds.

Don't sell or give away the creations you made with this package as full perms items or copyable+transferable items, ie your creations must be either:
(mod/copy/no transfer) or
(mod/no copy/transfer) or
(mod/no copy/no transfer) or
(no mod/copy/no transfer) or
(no mod/no copy/transfer) or
(no mod/no copy/no transfer).
Be sure not to let your creations distribute the sculptmap as a texture, or the textures itself.

* Help protect content creator copyrights *

New releases information
Please join SL Group "origami Update", you can get new releases and sale information.
You will be the first to be sent the demos of new releases.

You can check new releases and sale notice here;

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Decent sculpt set
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 06, 2011 by Kail Jaxxon

No witch should be without this set

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Clean up with this set!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 13, 2010 by Nightgirl Destiny

This is a very nicely made set. The maker has taken the trouble to ensure that the demo versions have the same names as the sculpt maps, which is suprisingly (and irritatingly) rare, and makes life very easy. The texture map that's included makes it a breeze to texture the prim, and if you want to make it even easy just drop me a line and I'll let you have the texture I made. All in all, well worth 5 stars, especially at the bargain price of 100L.

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Excellent sculpties - Excellent service
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 19, 2010 by Villain Baroque

These brooms are SUPER. They are easy to texture. Excellent value for your money.
Excellent customer service as well: I crashed during delivery and the creator helped me immediately.

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