The Bodhi Tree, was a large and very old Sacred Fig tree (Ficus religiosa) located in Bodh Gaya, under which Siddhartha Gautama,
the spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism later known as Gautama Buddha, achieved enlightenment. In religious iconography,
the Bodhi tree is recognizable by its heart-shaped leaves, which are usually prominently displayed.
It takes 100 to 3,000 years for a bodhi tree to fully grow.
The massive trunk from multiple stems braided into one strong single stem, standing on wild gnarled roots which seem to grab firmly
into the ground. These digging roots are holding the head of a buddha statue like hugging it.
Lianas (aerial roots) are hanging from the wide, majestic foliage canopy that offers a great shady place to rest and meditate...
Of course this Bodhi Tree has a texture changer to change the leaves color via pop up menu.
No matter if you want to create a spring, summer, autumn scene or even a surreal theme - 6 colors for every taste.
The menu offers two more options: you can toggle the aerial roots if you want a more cultivated look and you can also
toggle the ground roots.
This package includes an optional rock platform specially designed for this tree.
All "2012 trees" are customizeable like no other .:buddhabeats:. trees!
Rescale them from bonsai size to huge tree giants - they will always fit your land.
Tint the leaves, add glow to make it match your color scheme perfectly.
The smart particle script inside will recalculate the particle size to always match the tree scale and foliage color!
This prim efficient sculpted tree was made with care for a natural look. Foliage and trunk sculpts designed together for a perfect match!
No sculpts have been used in any other .:buddhabeats:. tree before and the foliage textures have been designed from scratch
to perfectly fit the tree.
- scaleable - always fits your land
- tintable, glowable with the SL (tm) building tools
- 6 different leaf shades
- toggleable roots and lianas.
- toggleable smart particle fall - always matches color and size of the tree
use these ALL the time
its a great product, I have modded them, removing prims, tinting them, resizing them, they are low land impact and lush, blending well with little ghosting conflicts. Perfect for making large trees or small ones.
great accent to my sim
I came upon this find by complete accident, and this tree is now a very important part of the {Zaara} mainstore sim. Thank you for making this :)
I am so glad I found this Awesome Bodhi Tree. I went to the inworld store to see the demo, and wound up buying it for myself as a Rezday gift. I use it every day with a Buddha statue to meditate and listen to Tibetan singing bowls with friends.
Its remarkably well constructed and totally worth the 399l$