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.:buddhabeats:. DRAGON + PHOENIX HOUSE Version 1.0

.:buddhabeats:. DRAGON + PHOENIX HOUSE

The phoenix represents yin, the feminine principle, the earth, the power of the moon and the beauty, reincarnation and immortality.
The dragon represents yang, the male principle, the heaven, the power of the sun and the change, and the original vital spirit.
The combination of dragon and phoenix is - according to chinese sources - a luck promising symbol.
If the dragon and the phoenix meet they bring peace, health and harmony to all living creatures.

The DRAGON + PHOENIX HOUSE is a style mix between chinese and japanese architecture.
The stilt construction makes it possible to use this house on land or in the sea - or even inbetween.
Imagine this house on the shoreline - one entrance towards the land, the other entrance leading to a pier into the open sea.
It offers enough space for 3 people to live in, or to offer a living room a bed room and a working space - or whatever you need.
All with surprisingly low prims, due to the new large sized prims.

The DRAGON + PHOENIX HOUSE offers all comfort you may expect from a modern prefab.
* A controller system with access list. Only people you allow can use the controllers with all options.
* Lockable doors with different access levels. Lock, unlock or group access for all doors, the outer doors or only or your room door.
* Tintable windows. Make your window fully transparent, semi transparent or opaque. Or choose one setting for all windows.
* Built in lighting. Turn your lights on or off or choose from 65.000 colors with a temp rezzed color picker panel.
Nothing easier than that! Some lamps are included, but you can pull out the script and add it to your own lamp.
* Unique details. The house got its name from the carved decorative panels, showing a dragon and a phoenix.
These panels can also set to different opacity levels, each room individually.
* Hidden rooms. The roof shape offers space for a place to keep things not everyone should see.
Open the secret doors with the controller and walk up the ladder. Close the door behind you if you need some privacy.
* Its copyable, you may rez as many copies as you want everywhere.
* Its modifyable, you may change some textures, stretch the base platform or extend the stilts.

And as a special bonus there is a special modified version of the DRAGON + PHOENIX HOUSE included.
The size and look are the same like the regular house, but it has 2 rooms which are bigger than in the standard version.
It has only 80 prims and only 4 doors - two entrance doors and one door for each room.


.:buddhabeats:. Dragon + Phoenix House v1.0 = 99 prims
.:buddhabeats:. Dragon + Phoenix House v1.0*BONUS VERSION = 80 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Big Chouchin Lamp = 2 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Small Chouchin Lamp = 2 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Chouchin on Pole = 3 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Deck = 24 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Pier = 9 prims
Dragon + Phoenix Stairs = 1 prim
A detailed instruction notecard = 0 prims


Even if the house has mod permissions... NEVER EVER LINK OR UNLINK ANY PARTS!!!! You WILL destroy the scripts!
Any person on the access list can remove each other. So just set only trustworthy persons on the access list.

I hope you will enjoy this house and it will make your everyday secondlife a bit more beautiful!



  • 3 rooms + 2 hidden rooms
  • menu with access list controls doors, windows and lighting
  • piers and party deck included - you choose if or where to add them
  • Doors are touch AND collision sensitive. They open when you walk into them
  • BONUS: modified version with two big rooms included